in Polish
heodes has written: As the Echo Dnia No.51 (8989) from the 1st of March 2006 carries the news
Wolves are back again!
Wolves appeared on the grounds of ?wi?tokrzyskie province for the first time for thirty years. Suchedniów’s hunters found a deer bitten to death by them. We have also found hunters who actually saw these animals.

Rumours about wolves in the forest between Suchedniów and Bli?yn were circulating for more than a month. Trails, looking like wolf’s trails, were seen on the snow, but until there were proofs of their presence, people kept silence. Right now there are proofs. – By the forest road leading to the ?winia Góra reserve hunters from kieleckie hunting circle „Przepiórka” found a young, torn apart deer and a lot of trail.
- There were a lot of characteristic trails of powerful, extended paw around a torn apart animal. Wolves leaves such an imprints – says Marek Miazga, chief forester of Suchedniów’s forest inspectorate.
– As a naturalist I am glad that they are back to ?wi?tokrzyskie. As a hunter – I am less glad – he adds. Not long ago there was no certainty if a deer was a victim of wild dogs. However three foresters have seen those legendary predators with their own eyes!
- I have seen a wolf from the thirty meters distance for the first time in my life. It was far from buildings, the animal had a typical figure – said Wies?awa Stachera. Artur Milanowski, a forester from the Wolves Wood, was able to drive his car very close to one group a few days ago. – I was watching them from a few meters as they were playing on the snow. – I have seen two wolves running away and I found trails of the third one – claims forester.
Some information about this subject have already reached Jaros?aw Miko?ajczyk – ?wi?tokrzyski hunter of a province: - Wolves were last seen near Rakow in 70s. A hunter shot one of them then. The number of wolves in Poland is rising as they are looking for a new territory. In his opinion people should not be worried about meeting with this predator. Healthy specimens have a natural fear of people. They are the ones running away from us on our sight. A wolf can attack if he is wounded or sick. Naturally it is better to be careful and not get in his way.
As a hunter assures Suchedniów’s wolves don’t have to be afraid of hunters. This species is under protection and can’t be hunted.
- After more than thirty years of absence wolves came back to their old habitat. They have probably wandered from Bieszczady or Beskidy where they have reproduced to a large extent and there is a lot of them out there – claims Andrzej Sta?kowiak, nature explorer from Skar?ysko.
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